All-Local Bouquet Subscription


Celebrate the Seasons with Local Blooms with a All-Local Bouquet Subscription

This subscription offers 3 beautifully arranged bouquets of locally grown flowers every four weeks for 3 months consecutively. Perfect as a thoughtful gift or for adding seasonal beauty to your own home!

Flower Highlights by Month:

  • April: Tulips
  • May: Ranunculus
  • June: Peonies
  • July: Lisianthus
  • August: Zinnias
  • September–October: Dahlias
  • November: Chrysanthemums
  • December: Amaryllis

Subscriptions are available from April to December (no local flowers January–March).

After you order, you’ll receive a gift certificate with instructions to activate your subscription. It will include a link to customize your preferences, such as your first delivery date and bouquet colors. Be sure to follow these steps to personalize and start your subscription!

Important Details:

  • The price covers the full 3-month subscription (not monthly installments).
  • Pickup Location: Fridays, 12h–19h, at 5338 Saint Laurent.
  • Delivery: Available in select Montreal postal codes: H2G, H2S, H3N, H2R, H3S, H4C, H4A, H3X, H4B, H4X, H3Z, H3J, H3A, J4X, J3Y, H3Y, H2V, H2W, H2T, H2J, H2Y, H3C, H3G, H3H, H2X, H1W, H3W, H2Z. Additional charges may apply for areas outside these zones—contact us for details.

Order today and let us bring the vibrant charm of seasonal flowers into your life!

(Photos are examples of our signature garden-style bouquets.)

Caroline Boyce

In my view, flowers are a passing pleasure that uplifts the heart; it’s no wonder that artists have been admiring them for centuries. When I work with flowers, my intention is to create the mood and visuals of a timeless memory, even if the moment only lasts for one day.

Growing up in Germany, my fondest memories were with my grandmother in her ‘secret garden’. She was the first person who inspired me to pick flowers from her garden and decorate the kitchen table with them. Since then, it has become a passion of mine.

I created the business Floralia by joining all my favourite things together; my background in visual arts, and my experience working on organic farms.

It’s a pleasure for me to get to know my clients; my goal is to create personalized designs that truly mirror what they are looking for in essence and to create a look that is uniquely theirs.

The farm

Loyal to the earth, Floralia respects the land by choosing organic, sustainable methods of cultivation that preserve and encourage the health of the soil, the plants, and the ecosystem. For us it’s also about respecting the people who work on the land, by promoting agriculture that does not expose growers to pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. Locally grown organic flowers are the ultimate eco-friendly way to enjoy your bouquets.

During rare periods when flower production at our farm is less abundant, and to offer flowers during the off-season, Floralia also buys flowers from other farmers. Buying local is our priority. When this is not available, we purchase from certified ‘’Fair Trade’’ farms and pesticide-free greenhouses, or we seek to buy flowers produced in countries that maintain standards regarding pesticide use and workers rights. This is an ethical choice- we do this to ensure our flowers come from socially and environmentally credible farms.

At Floralia, we don't have a traditional store, but we have a wonderful workshop located at:

5338 Boulevard Saint Laurent, 3rd Floor
Montreal, QC


By appointment or when we announce pop-ups.

Feel free to text, call, or email us with any questions or to schedule your visit. We would love to talk about flowers with you!